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Ceci n’est pas une pipe

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Queen’s Psychiatry Reading List

Textbooks; Psychiatry, Society and Philosophy
Child & Adolescent; Forensics; Neuropsychiatry; Psychosomatic Disorders; Psychotic Disorders; Other Disorders
Kaplan & Sadock: 
Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry (9th Ed, 2009)
Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioural Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry (10th Ed, 2007)
Concise Textbook Of Clinical Psychiatry (3rd Ed, 2008)
Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry
Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry (8th Ed, 2007)
By Sadock, B. J.; Sadock V. A.
Referee: Many!
Notes: "If you are reading K and S, I also found the Kaplan and Sadock's Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry quite helpful. It has MCQs and helps me check my understanding and make reading the chapters more stimulating. The study guide is taken from the Comprehensive K and S..." (-Dr. J. Sze)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV-TR 
By The American Psychiatric Association
Referee: Dr. K. Oyewumi
Rating: Must-have/Strong recommendation (for PGY 1-2)
Quick Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-IV-TR 
By The American Psychiatric Association
Referee: Dr. K. Oyewumi
Rating: Must-have/Strong recommendation (for PGY 3-5)
Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry (5th Ed, 2010)
By Adreasen NC, and Black DW. 
Referee: Dr. K. Oyewumi
Rating: Must-have/Strong recommendation (for PGY 1&2)
Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (5th Ed, 2006)
By Gelder M, Cowen P, Harrison P 
Referee: Dr. M. Chan
Rating: Must-have 
Notes: "Must have in my opinion esp for the biblio"
Examination Notes In Psychiatry (4th Ed, 2005)
By Buckley, Bird & Harrison
Referee: Dr. M. Feakins
Notes: "For passing exams, British residents relied most upon this. It's short and condenses all you need to know about a topic (such as psychotherapy, schizophrenia research, etc) into 5 or so pages." (-Dr. M. Feakins)
Fish's Clinical Psychopathology (3rd Ed, 2007)
By Casey P, Kelly B.
Referee: Dr. M. Feakins
Rating: Strongly recommended
Notes: "My personal favourite vote as strongly recommended. Beautifully written. Fish takes 100 pages to say what other textbooks need 500 or more to say." (-Dr. M. Feakins)
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process (2nd Ed, 2011)
By Nancy McWilliams 
Referee: Dr. M. Chan 
Rating: Must-have
Essentials of Psychiatry (4th Ed, 2008) 
By Murray R.M.
Referee: Dr. M. Chan
The Concepts of Psychiatry (1st Ed, 2007)
By Ghaemi N.; Johns Hopkins Press
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
Suicide Risk Management: A Manual for Health Professionals (1st Ed, 2006)
By Kutcher S. Hill S; Blackwell 2007
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
What is Mental Disorder? An Essay in Philosophy, Science and Values (1st Ed, 2008)
By Bolton D; Oxford University Press
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
Psychiatry's Contract With Society: Concepts, Controversies, and Consequences (1st Ed, 2010)
By Bhurga et al; Oxford University Press 
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry; Explanation, Phenomenology and Nosology (1st Ed, 2008)
By Kendler K. Et al; Johns Hopkins University Press 
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
Of Two Minds: An Anthropologist Looks At American Psychiatry (1st Ed, 2001)
By Luhrmann T; Vintage Random House 
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
Ethical Argument; Critical Thinking in Ethics (2nd Ed, 2004)
By Curtler H.M.; Oxford University Press 2004
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
Psychiatric Ethics (4th Ed, 2009)
By Bloch S. Green S.; Oxford University Press 
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
The Virtuous Psychiatrist, Character Ethics in Psychiatric Practice: International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry (1st Ed, 2010)
By Radden J.  Saddler J.; Oxford University Press
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
The Disordered Mind; An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind and Mental Illness (2010)
By Graham G.; Rutledge Press
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
Lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Textbook (4th Ed, 2007)
By Martin A, Volkmar F. R.
Referee: Dr. N. Roberts; Dr. S. Khalid-Khan
Mental Disorder and the Law: A Primer for Legal and Mental Health Professionals (2006)
By Bloom H, and Schneider R.
Referee: Dr. T. Hassan 
Rating: Useful resource
Lishman's Organic Psychiatry: A Textbook of Neuropsychiatry (4th Ed, 2009)
By David AS, Fleminger S
Referee: Dr. R. Millson; Dr. M. Feakins
Notes: "My personal favourite vote as strongly recommended. Beautifully written." (-Dr. M. Feakins)
The Developing Mind: Toward a Neurobiology of Interpersonal Experience (2003)
By Siegel D; Guilford Press
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain (1st Ed, 2010)
Damasio, A.; Pantheon/Random House
Referee: Dr. J. Burley
American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychosomatic Medicine (2nd Ed)
By James A. Bourgeois, Robert E. Hales and Narriman C. Shahrokh
Referee: Dr. J. Owen
Notes: "The bible of Psychosomatic medicine. It defines the subspecialty - very comprehensive and expensive. The Resident Library has copies of both these books." (-Dr. J. Owen)
Implementing Early Intervention in Psychosis: A Guide to Establishing Psychosis Services (2002)
By Edwards J. & McGorry PD.
Referee: Dr. K. Oyewumi
Rating: Useful resource
Schizophrenia (Oxford Psychiatry Library) (2011)
By Castle DJ and Buckley PF.    
Referee: Dr. K. Oyewumi
Rating: Useful resource
Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse (1st Ed, 2001)
By Lisa M. Najavits PhD
Referee: Dr. A. Stakheiko (on behalf of Dr. Finch)
Psychiatric Interviewing: The Art of Understanding (2nd Ed, 1998)
Authors: Shawn Shea 
Referee: Dr. R. Millson; Dr. V. Goff; Dr. D. Seitz; Dr. A. Stakheiko
Rating: Must-have
Notes: "The greatest book ever" (-Dr. A. Stakheiko)
The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice (2nd Ed, 2006)
By MacKinnon RA, and Michels R.      
Referee: Dr. K. Oyewumi
Rating: Must-have/Strong recommendation (PGY 1&2)
The Clinical Interview Using DSM-IV TR, Vol 1: Fundamentals (1st Ed, 2001)
By Othmer E
Referee: Dr. D. Seitz
Notes: "I thought both were excellent using psychiatrist/pt transcripts" (-Dr. D. Seitz)
The Clinical Interview Using DSM-IV TR, Vol 2: The Difficult Patient (1st Ed, 2002)
By Othmer E
Referee: Dr. D. Seitz
Notes: "I thought both were excellent using psychiatrist/pt transcripts" (-Dr. D. Seitz)
Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change (2nd Ed, 2002)
By William R. Miller Phd and Stephen Rollnick PhD 
Referee: Dr. A. Stakheiko
Clinical Manual of Psychopharmacology in the Medically Ill (2010)
By Ferrando S.J., Levenson, J.L., and Owen, J.A. 
Referee: Dr. J. Owen; Dr. V. Goff; Dr. J. Burley
Notes: "A practical and cheap guide. I know this recommendation is a bit biased, but I do think it's a good practical manual. The Resident Library has copies of both these books." (-Dr. J. Owen)
Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology (7th Ed, 2010)
By Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D., Jonathan O. Cole, M.D., and Charles DeBattista, D.M.H., M.D. 
Referee: Dr. J. Owen; Dr. A. Stakheiko
Notes: "The most popular psychopharm book in US Psychiatry programs. It's easy to read and comprehensive. Bracken library has a copy." (-Dr. J. Owen)
Access: Queen's e-Library (connect from off-site, if necessary, e.g. Bracken Library) eBooks Psychiatry On-Line APA webpage, "Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology" Print, "Print to PDF"
Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications (3rd Ed, 2008)
Authors: Stephen M. Stahl
Referee: Dr. J. Owen
Notes: "It is a comprehensive overview of the pharmacology of psychiatric drugs. Stahl tries to link mechanism of action to drug effect. Bracken library and many Residents have this book." (-Dr. J. Owen) "I like using it as a reference when I am in clinic. It is quite practical." (-Dr. J. Sze)
Use of Drugs in Psychiatry (5th Ed, 2002)
By Cookson J, Taylor D & Katona C. 
Referee: Dr. M. Feakins
Notes: "The book I use the most […] It is essential to me." (-Dr. M. Feakins)
The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology (4th Ed, 2009) 
By Alan F. Schatzberg, Charles B. Nemeroff
Referee: Dr. N. Roberts
The Prescriber's Guide (Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology)
Authors: Stahl, S.M.
Referee: Dr. M. N. Mazhar
Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy (1st Ed, 2007)
By Gabbard, Beck, Holmes
Referee: Dr. N. Roberts
Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments in Psychiatry (1st Ed, 2008)
By Gabbard, G. O.
Referee: Dr. M. N. Mazhar
Mind Over Mood (1995)
By Christine Padesky and Dennis Greenberger
Referee: Dr. A. Stakheiko
Rating: Must-have
Notes: "CBT must-have. Client and therapist books, especially client one." (-Dr. A. Stakheiko)
Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond (1995)
By Judith Beck.
Referee: Dr. A. Stakheiko (on behalf of Dr. M. David)
Comprehensive Guide To Interpersonal Psychotherapy (2000)
By Myrna M. Weissman, John C. Markowitz and Gerald Klerman
Referee: Dr. A. Stakheiko (on behalf of Dr. L. Flynn and Paul Kazurak)
Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide (2005)
By Jesse H. Wright MD PhD, Monica Ramirez Basco PhD, Michael E. Thase MD and Glen O. Gabbard MD 
Referee: Dr. A. Stakheiko (on behalf of Dr. Mazhar)
Designing Clinical Research (3rd Ed)
By Stephen B Hulley et.al. 
Referee: Dr. D. Groll
Notes: "Really good step by step, easy to understand guides for doing pretty much any research project from beginning to end." (-Dr. D. Groll)
Practical Research Planning and Design (8th Ed) 
By Paul D Leedy and Jeanne Ellis Ormand 
Referee: Dr. D. Groll
Notes: "Really good step by step, easy to understand guides for doing pretty much any research project from beginning to end." (-Dr. D. Groll)
VII . GUIDELINES (referee: Dr. J. Sze)
1) July 2006, Vol 51, Supplement 2 Clinical Practice Guidelines Management of Anxiety Disorders  the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
2) Bipolar Guideline from CANMAT of 2005, 2007, 2009
3) 3rd Canadian Consensus Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia 2007
4) CANMAT guidelines for the management of major depressive disorder 2009 in Journal of Affective Disorders
5) 2005 Clinical Practice Guideline: Treatment of Schizophrenia.  The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
6) APA Practice Guideline Treatments of Patients with Eating Disorders 2006
7) APA Practice Guideline for the Treatments of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder 2001
"Please do not restrict your readings to "Concise textbooks or Review notes" until in your senior years. A rich history of all aspects of psychiatry which is available in the larger textbooks is necessary for a very good grounding in Psychiatry. This is not only necessary for passing examinations but also for developing a 360 degree clinician. [...] For each rotation source relevant papers published or recommended by your preceptors." (-Dr. K. Oyewumi)
"Strong knowledge of technology so you can use your PDA to access useful diagnostic and therapeutic sites to which you can subscribe. eg. to check drug-drug interactions before prescribing etc." (-Dr. K. Oyewumi)
"The only problem I got with buying all this books, I just realized they work the best when you really read them." (-Dr. A. Stakheiko)
"My professor in Cape Town, ex-Maudsley Head, Dr. Lynn Gillis told us when we started training that everything we needed to know could be found in Homer's Odyssey, The Bible and Shakespeare's Collected Works (Book of Eli anyone...?)." (-Dr. T. Holden)
"When Thomas Sydenham was asked by medical students what to read, he used to answer: Read El Quijote!" (-Dr. C. Cabrera)

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