The Canadian Psychiatric Association, CPA, and the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, CACAP, annual conferences were held in Montreal this year. Queen's psychiatry residents represented their university well. We had several presentations and posters at both the conferences.
Dr. Mitra Monir Abbasi had a poster presentation at the CPA.
Dr. Nazanin Alavi did two presentations. The effect of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) via email on depression : Sept 29th, Oral Presentation CPA and PTeR Efficacy Evaluation Survey: Sept 27th, Oral presentation CPA
Dr. Alavi also had a poster presentation at the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, CACAP. Intensive day treatment for children with pervasive developmental disorders, Oct 1st, Poster Presentation CACAPDr. Nazanin Alavi did two presentations. The effect of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) via email on depression : Sept 29th, Oral Presentation CPA and PTeR Efficacy Evaluation Survey: Sept 27th, Oral presentation CPA
Dr. Varinderjit Parmar was the Queen's representative at COPE. He also presented two posters:
Poster 1 - Reasons for Referrals to Psychiatry in Emergency in a Tertiary Care Hospital Setting and Utilization of Resident Resources.
Poster 2 - Comparison of actual time spent on management of psychiatric emergency presentations in Tertiary Care Hospital Settings with psychiatric residency training program’s teaching curriculum.
Dr. Nishardi Wijeratne presented at both the CPA and CACAP. At the CPA she had a paper poster presentation on Somnabulism Secondary to Olanzapine Treatment of Acute Mania: A Case-Based Review - Clinical and Research Report.
Dr. Wijeratne's second poster presentation was: Sociodemographic correlates and psychopathology in abused children:A pilot study Wijeratne N, Alavi Taberi N, Roberts, N. (poster presented at the CACAP conference-immediately following the CPA)Great work Dr. Abbasi, Dr. Alavi, Dr. Parmar and Dr. Wijeratne. We are all so proud of you.
thank you barinder for posting this